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Home of the Voice Overlord!

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The Kank Zone!


Text about the Hindenberg courtesy of Wikipedia.


Text about the history of Tokyo courtesy of Wikipedia.


My character doesn’t show up until around the 2:00 mark. I also voiced Mr. Casket.


My David Atten-borough impression was well received by this customer.


I’m partnered with OTT to produce a Southern accent for them as needed.


Also for OTT, this is an accent I studied to learn at their request.


Text about Rasputin courtesy of Wikipedia.


Text about the Eiffel Tower courtesy of Wikipedia.

If it’s an accent that I don’t already know how to do, which are most of them, then I can learn it. The earliest I can remember pulling off a decent accent for something was back when I was a wee lad back in Cub Scouts (specifically Webelos). I was maybe 9 or 10 at the most, and my troop had to perform in a skit about solving problems. The scout master found that I could do a passable British accent and so I was cast as Sherlock Holmes for the skit. The only line I can remember was, “I say old bean,” because it garnered the biggest laugh from the audience. I’ve been working on improving them ever since.

Samples of My Many Accents

I’ve been mimicking accents all my life, from around America to around the world...

Look real close...can you see me?


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